Archive for the Customer Service Category

The Case For Excellence In Retail

The Case For Excellence In Retail

Physical retailers have to be ready to create excellent experiences for each and every customer when they return. This means retailers have to be excellent in the following: Excellent cleaning standards – hand sanitizer available, professional signage, correct numbers in store, masks being worn and obvious cleaning

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How to Deliver on Your Service Promise

How to Deliver on Your Service Promise

Some retailers have chosen the slippery road of discounting as a strategy to bring more customers into their doors. However, so have lots of their competitors. It’s actually uncommon to go into a shopping mall and not see massive discount signs displayed in the window. Now, don’t

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Lessons To Learn From Amazon

Lessons To Learn From Amazon

Love them or hate them, Amazon has certainly been making an impact and is now one of the biggest companies on the planet. Their impact here in Australia has been slowly gaining traction as they figure out how to maximise delivery speeds in this vast country. With

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Christmas Greetings!

Christmas Greetings!

Roger Simpson – CEO, The Retail Solution and Author of “The Ultimate Retail Sales Experience” With over 35 years’ industry experience, Roger Simpson is recognized as Australia’s #1 Authority on customer ROI in the retail industry and as a global expert on staff coaching, customer service, and

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7 Tips On How To Get Your Merchandising Right

7 Tips On How To Get Your Merchandising Right

Effective merchandising is critical to ensure you maximise your sales. Thanks to special guest Brent Newey from Retail Help, who is an expert in this field, for this valuable article. With the Christmas rush not that far away, a well merchandised store will go a long way

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To Robot Or Not, That Is The Massive Question

To Robot Or Not, That Is The Massive Question

Technology and artificial intelligence (AI) is impacting all of our lives and most of it is in a positive way. However, the influx of technology is causing many issues, and I’m not just talking about the astronomical overuse of mobile phones, although this is a huge problem.

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