We all know how successful Facebook has been over the past few years and this has a lot to do with the quality of the staff who work there. We have a saying “Companies don’t succeed, the people do.” This would be very apt for Facebook, who
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I am always amazed when I train managers and area managers how to coach, that their biggest challenge when giving feedback is to stop telling the team member what to do. We seem to think as a manager, we have to know all the answers and the
Read more →I believe one of the key drawbacks from getting staff to really perform is we make things way too complex. From day one, with induction of staff, we take them through our policies and procedures, then onto the job and they learn how things work with more
Read more →During a number of training sessions I run, the topic of what it takes to be a great leader comes up. I often ask participants to think of a list of great business leaders and unfortunately, they struggle. Richard Branson and Nelson Mandela are the two most popular. It’s
Read more →We all know the challenges with recruiting and retaining the best staff. They are hard to find and what do we even look for? I was appalled to read a recent survey carried out by a company called engaged Marketing here in Australia, who found out that
Read more →I am a huge admirer of what Richard Branson has achieved in business. Interesting that he suffers from a learning disability yet despite that is incredibly successful. A lot of the success he has achieved he puts down to his leadership style and his ability to employ
Read more →A question I am asked on numerous occasions is “how do you motivate these young people today?” It seems as though some mature (I don’t like using the word old!!) business owners/managers struggle with this on an ongoing basis. The question of motivation is an interesting one that
Read more →I have had the pleasure of working with Australia’s greatest bakery, the Beechworth Bakery, for over 15 years and trained hundreds of their staff during this time. I also get to work with Tom O’Toole, the founder when we run our half day Bread workshops (no we
Read more →When I receive poor customer service I always think, why is this happening? Quite often it’s not the team member’s fault who is serving me – sounds strange, but unless they are the manager it’s not that actual staff members fault. People perform where they are allowed
Read more →We all know that giving effective feedback is the key to getting your staff to consistently perform at a high level, but how many managers actually do this on a regular basis? As well as lifting performance there are a number of other benefits such as: Staff
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