Culture is a word that is bandied about quite frequently, it means different things to different people. However whatever the actual meaning a business with the right culture grows and attracts better people, who stay longer. Businesses where the culture is poor obviously have the opposite effect,
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As I have mentioned recently, Amazon is almost here and retailers have to step up if they are going to compete. From my point of view, that means our team members have to be the best that they can be, not just when they feel like it
Read more →I have been searching for some time now to partner with a company who is an expert in the online training space. Well, great news, I have found the ideal partner. Bill Rooney from 6one5 Retail Consulting Group is a retail expert and has developed a brilliant
Read more →The ability of our current business leaders to motivate and empower a team to be successful are unfortunately rare in my opinion. A lot of leaders are doing an ok job with their teams, but the ones that are truly amazing are a small number. In retail,
Read more →It is quite a challenge to continually maintain a great customer service culture, so much easier to be one of the many who pays lip service and provides mediocre service. A great customer service culture requires focus and an ongoing commitment to always look at ways to
Read more →The buzz word of 2016 and 2017 is certainly “experience”. Every retailer is searching for the elusive experience that will amaze and dazzle their customers so they buy more and come back more often. A large number of retailers are spending a lot of money creating amazing
Read more →With all that is happening in the Australian retail market, the signs are very obvious that retailers have to get better at offering consistent levels of customer service which is one part of the customer’s entire experience. The most common comment I see from retail experts on
Read more →We all know that leading a team of people is extremely rewarding, yet very challenging. Business today is tough, competitive and retail stores are under massive pressure to perform. I believe that strong leadership is critical for a business to survive and be successful in today’s world.
Read more →One of the key attitudes we all need is to be open to learning. You may want to call it being coachable. One of the greatest basketballers of all time, Michael Jordan, once said: “My best skill was that I was coachable, I was a sponge and
Read more →I love facilitating the various training courses we run. The participants who attend are usually keen to be there and open to learning. The style of training we provide is interactive, fun and very practical. We receive lots of positive feedback from participants which reinforces my passion
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