Unfortunately, retail has become more of a transient industry for workers, rather than a place to learn great skills and make a career. Long gone are the days of retail traineeships, and a number of retailers provide little or no training to their workforce. It’s no wonder
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There has been so much doom and gloom mentioned recently about the fate of bricks and mortar retail. Not helped by the rather large number of retailers who are failing here in Australia. The latest, Topshop is not a small player with sales of approximately $90 million
Read more →As the saying goes feedback is the breakfast of champions, however, a lot of us would like to skip this particular breakfast for fear of hearing negative feedback about how we are performing. Most managers are also feedback averse for similar reasons, they don’t like delivering bad
Read more →Keeping your best employees is essential if you want to grow your business and beat your competition. It’s hard enough to recruit the right ones, the last thing you want is for them to up and leave, particularly after all the induction and training you have taken
Read more →We all know that leading a team can be very challenging and yet so rewarding. Finding the right people is often difficult. Your team or an individual team member can be up one minute and down the next. As well as focussing on your role in the
Read more →One of the biggest challenges facing all leaders is to manage and motivate their teams. Back in my day (yes that old saying), it was pretty simple – we were told what to do, had our performance review once a year and hopefully got a pay rise.
Read more →Domino’s Pizza Enterprises has been an amazingly successful business over the past few years and the CEO in charge, Don Meij, has had a lot to do with that success. With their continued menu innovation and now delivery by drone, it’s no wonder they are smashing the
Read more →To me, the key to successful retailing is when your frontline team and leaders/managers are all working together in harmony. This collaboration is so powerful and generates a massive positive feeling for customers, who can sense the harmony in the store. I’ve experienced this a few times
Read more →As I have mentioned before, I am a big fan of Richard Branson and his philosophies in how he leads his teams to create amazing businesses the world over. It seems to have worked out pretty well for him so far! I thought it would be worthwhile
Read more →A recent article in “Inside Retail” caught my eye and I wanted to share my thoughts. The article “Spanish Café adds “rude tax” for customers who don’t say please: Could it work in Australia?” Click here if you want to read the article. When customers order their
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