One of the best business books I have read is called Good to Great, by Jim Collins. Collins is a student and teacher of leadership and what makes great companies tick. Having invested a quarter century researching the topic, he has authored or co-authored six books that have
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Motivating a team of different individuals is one of the hardest challenges for any leader. Team members are different, what works for one doesn’t work for someone else etc. Lack of time is one of the excuses used by some leaders and it can be an issue.
Read more →As we all know, the way our customers buy is forever changing as technology becomes more and more into play for traditional bricks and mortar retailing. More and more time and money are being invested into making stores look amazing so customers are wowed when they first
Read more →I blogged last week about the importance of having highly engaged staff and all of the benefits that come of this. They stay longer, help others and do more good unexpectedly. I was fascinated to watch the following TED talk from organizational psychologist Adam Grant on givers
Read more →I read with interest a recent Smart Company article that quoted research from US software company Highground on the benefits of creating loyal employees. The figures are well worth noting and every business should have a focus on ensuring your employees are more engaged as this will
Read more →The secrecy of not revealing how much you get paid has been around for decades and in some companies, it is actively discouraged. In previous companies I have worked, the salary was never discussed openly and you were encouraged to keep it a secret. Yet we are
Read more →One of the main areas we help a lot of store managers with is, the ability to provide effective feedback that actually works. The style of feedback we teach results in approx 99% of staff being open to hearing the feedback which they accept and either continue
Read more →As the saying goes feedback is the breakfast of champions, however, a lot of us would like to skip this particular breakfast for fear of hearing negative feedback about how we are performing. Most managers are also feedback averse for similar reasons, they don’t like delivering bad
Read more →We have all heard the term “we’re going through a period of transformation” and it strikes fear in most people. We all think, “I hate change” “I’ll lose my job” etc, etc. We find transformation exhausting rather than empowering and energizing. Business transformation is the new norm
Read more →We all know that leading a team can be very challenging and yet so rewarding. Finding the right people is often difficult. Your team or an individual team member can be up one minute and down the next. As well as focussing on your role in the
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