Posts Tagged How to be an outstanding leader

The Stockdale Paradox

The Stockdale Paradox

I am a big fan of Jim Collins, the author of a number of books, with my favourite being “Good to Great”. If you haven’t read this book, I’d strongly suggest you do, as it contains great lessons for becoming a better leader. Jim has been recently

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Why Your Business Needs To have mentors

Why Your Business Needs To have mentors

I have written a number of times about the challenges in retaining your top talent. The Harvard Business Review recently wrote about the power of businesses putting in place a mentorship program and the positive impact mentors have on team members. The HBR study found that employees

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Where Are All The Great Leaders?

Where Are All The Great Leaders?

Despite billions of dollars being spent each year on leadership training, a lack of solid leaders is still a chief complaint of CEO’s. In 2018, businesses spent a whopping $366 billion globally, yet despite this massive investment in leadership training, it’s not resulting in producing quality leaders.

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This Is Why Leadership Needs To Do A 180

This Is Why Leadership Needs To Do A 180

With businesses struggling with employee engagement, maybe it’s time to completely change the traditional business focus. Most businesses first priority is for profit first and to its shareholders, followed by customers and then employees. However this can often result in disgruntled and unmotivated employees who feel as

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