Archive for the Customer Service Category

Achieving Growth through Understanding Customers

Achieving Growth through Understanding Customers

In the ongoing battle to win the hearts and wallets of customers, particularly in the face of the current financial storm, understanding your customers is critical. Providing a personalised and genuine experience is essential if you want your customers to shop in store, come back and tell

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5 Tips to Deliver Exceptional Customer Service

5 Tips to Deliver Exceptional Customer Service

Providing exceptional customer service is critical to survive in today’s tough world of retail. Here are 5 tips that will ensure your customers leave with a positive feeling and are likely to return and tell others. 1. Effective communication is critical for providing great customer service. Training

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The Growing Trend of Shopping Local

The Growing Trend of Shopping Local

Covid definitely forced a number of customers to shop local due to various travel restrictions. This provided a huge opportunity for these businesses to showcase their products and services. Now that restrictions are lifted, customers can shop anywhere, however the local strip shops certainly have an appeal

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Maxing The Restaurant Service Experience

Maxing The Restaurant Service Experience

I have been banging on about the need for physical retailers to create an experience when they have a customer in front of them. It’s critical, unless you want your customers to not come back as they can’t see the difference between buying in store and buying

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Why Engagement Matters

Why Engagement Matters

I’m a big fan of Gallup, a global analytics and advice firm that specialises in helping leaders to get the most out of their teams. They talk frequently about the challenges all retailers are facing with keeping their teams safe, engaged and motivated with all that is

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