Monthly archive for September 2019

To Robot Or Not, That Is The Massive Question

To Robot Or Not, That Is The Massive Question

Technology and artificial intelligence (AI) is impacting all of our lives and most of it is in a positive way. However, the influx of technology is causing many issues, and I’m not just talking about the astronomical overuse of mobile phones, although this is a huge problem.

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Want To Up The Accountability In Your Team?

Want To Up The Accountability In Your Team?

A key problem I hear quite frequently when I’m talking with and training store managers is, getting their team members to step up and take responsibility and therefore be accountable for their actions. Team members who do this make it easier for their managers in a number

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8 Simple Tips To Attract More Customers Easily

8 Simple Tips To Attract More Customers Easily

This week’s article is courtesy of special guest Brent Newey from Retail Help on the critical topic of attracting more customers to your store. This is a must read for all retailers as competition for customer’s dollars is as fierce as it has ever been. Hope you

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This Is Why Leadership Needs To Do A 180

This Is Why Leadership Needs To Do A 180

With businesses struggling with employee engagement, maybe it’s time to completely change the traditional business focus. Most businesses first priority is for profit first and to its shareholders, followed by customers and then employees. However this can often result in disgruntled and unmotivated employees who feel as

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