Want to Know How to Immediately Grow Your Sales?

I love facilitating the various training courses we run. The participants who attend are usually keen to be there and open to learning. The style of training we provide is interactive, fun and very practical. We receive lots of positive feedback from participants which reinforces my passion for keeping doing this valuable role. However what makes it absolutely worthwhile and gets me springing out of bed in the morning is when participants report in on the results they are achieving back on the job.

This is the ultimate goal of any training – to change behaviour back on the job and get results. I wanted to share with you a great result we helped two-course participants achieve very recently and how they did it.

I have had the pleasure of working with the Just Cuts group over the past 3 years. Recently I ran a training course in Melbourne which was attended by Glenn (the owner) and Carmen (the team leader) from Just Cuts Wendouree, along with other owners and team leaders. The focus of this particular training course was on helping them to increase the performance of their team by improved customer service and increasing sales.

I received a message just 1 week after the training session from Glenn as follows:

Prior to the training, Glenn was running at 5 – 6% for retail – retail is calculated by taking dollar sales for retail (shampoo, etc) as a percentage of total sales.

I immediately rang Glenn to congratulate him for this great result and to dig deeper into how he went about achieving this. Here’s what he and Carmen put in place when they returned.

  • Team meeting to refresh the service standards – during the training we show participants a different way to refresh the customer service standards with their team and how to focus the team on offering products to clients without being pushy. This process simply reminds the team what the customer service steps are and more importantly why these are important to clients.

Glenn also covered the product discussion techniques that the team needs to use when styling their client’s hair. The entire meeting went for approximately 30 minutes and took place just before they opened.

Just from this process Glenn and Carmen noticed a dramatic improvement that same day.

  • Ongoing evaluations and feedback – Another key part of the training we cover is how to follow up to reinforce that the customer service standards are being put in place after the team meeting. Carmen has been diligently evaluating the team and providing feedback, particularly positive feedback and this has contributed massively to the end result.

So what does this mean as far as additional dollars in the tip? Glenn was kind enough to share the immediate effect these two steps have had on his business. Glenn’s team achieved the massive increase from 5% to 18% the day of the meeting and have also had a number of days since, of achieving 10%. The challenge for Glenn and every retailer is to maintain the increase.

If we just take a 5% increase, which Glenn is confident he can maintain on an ongoing basis, this converts to approximately $11,000 additional sales per quarter. Carmen, the team leader is showing true leadership qualities by leading the pack at 20% and also has the highest Average sale.

What a fantastic result and achieved so quickly and easily – well done Glenn and Carmen.

The great news for me is, this is just one example from a number of Just Cuts owners who have achieved success after the training.

Roger Simpson – CEO, The Retail Solution and Author of “The Retail Solution” With over 35 years’ industry experience, Roger Simpson is recognized as Australia’s #1 Authority on customer ROI in the retail industry and as a global expert on staff coaching, customer service, and selling skills.