Transforming Your Business Through a People First Focus

Your people are your greatest asset, but they can also be your greatest weakness if they’re in the wrong roles or not well-led. Clear expectations, training, and coaching are crucial. Richard Branson emphasises that his focus isn’t on shareholders or customers, but on his people. Treating the right people well ensures they take care of customers.

A notable example of the power of a people-centric approach comes from a large multinational that reversed negative growth, achieving 20% growth on $7 billion in revenues. Mike Salvino, then CEO of Accenture Operations, initially faced disastrous results. Promising growth, he delivered a negative impact instead. Salvino’s experience, influenced by a life-altering event and subsequent study of neuroscience, led him to four key fundamentals based on Harvard Business School research:

1. Appreciation: Recognising and rewarding employees excites and engages them.
2. Non-defensive environment: Avoiding defensiveness fosters inspiration and creativity.
3. Positive social interactions: Building trust through social interactions encourages listening and empathy.
4. Collaborative learning: Working together calms and energizes employees, boosting creativity and well-being.

Implementing these fundamentals in your workplace can transform your team’s performance:

1. Positive Feedback: Shift your focus from only identifying mistakes to recognising successes. Aim for at least four times more positive feedback than improvement feedback. This enhances motivation and shows you care about their success.

2. Constructive Feedback: Focus on behaviour rather than personality or attitude. Use questions that encourage self-reflection, such as “Why is it important that you…?” to reduce defensiveness and foster improvement.

3. Team Building: Organize fun team events to get to know each other socially. These interactions, particularly with leaders, build trust and improve team cohesion.

4. Frontline Collaboration: Engage with your team on the front lines. Ask for their input on improving processes and overcoming roadblocks. This involvement shows you value their insights and boosts morale.

Mike Salvino’s final advice underscores the importance of prioritising people: “Treating your people well is the key to sustainable success for any growing business.”

Roger Simpson – CEO, The Retail Solution and Author of “The Ultimate Retail Sales Experience” With over 35 years’ industry experience, Roger Simpson is recognized as Australia’s #1 Authority on customer ROI in the retail industry and as a global expert on staff coaching, customer service, and selling skills.