The Pitfalls of Constant Instruction and The Power of Asking Questions

After conducting numerous coaching courses for a diverse range of clients over many years, a common obstacle echoed by retailers is the challenge posed by their team members. A prevalent grievance among managers and leaders is the frustration of team members not following instructions and the repetitive need to reiterate directives. This reliance on telling rather than engaging in a more interactive leadership style often leads to long-term issues.

During our post-training follow-up process, positive feedback poured in as clients embraced a simple yet transformative technique. Many store and Area Managers had inadvertently fallen into the habit of solving problems by providing answers, believing it to be the most efficient approach. Witnessing the “ah-ha” moments when they grasped the alternative was truly rewarding.

The inclination to tell people what to do often stems from a desire for speed, but it comes at the cost of stifling team members’ critical thinking. While compliance may be achieved, it remains contingent on continuous instructions. This method, falls short in nurturing team growth and proves exhausting for leaders.

To break this cycle, leaders can redirect the dynamic by posing questions instead. Phrases such as “Before I share my thoughts, what are yours?” or “What do you think would be a better way?” stimulate critical thinking and participation. Asking questions proves powerful for several reasons:

1. Encourages Thought: Team members are prompted to think before responding.

2. Assesses Understanding: Leaders gauge if team members comprehend the issue, allowing for explanation if necessary.

3. Enhances Memory: Research indicates that individuals remember 70% of what they say, as opposed to only 20% of what they are told after one month.

4. Fosters Ownership: Team members take more ownership of tasks when they contribute to finding solutions.

5. Promotes Growth: Through this approach, team members are challenged to think creatively, fostering personal and collective growth.

Leaders are urged to reassess their conversation dynamics, shifting from constant instruction to a more collaborative approach that empowers team members to grow independently.

Roger Simpson – CEO, The Retail Solution and Author of “The Ultimate Retail Sales Experience” With over 35 years’ industry experience, Roger Simpson is recognized as Australia’s #1 Authority on customer ROI in the retail industry and as a global expert on staff coaching, customer service, and selling skills.