The Importance of Coaching for Managers and Their Teams

Coaching is a concept that has been around for years, yet many expect that when someone is promoted into a managerial role, coaching skills will automatically follow. In reality, few managers naturally possess these skills. Despite this, managers are expected to help their teams excel in areas like customer service and merchandising. Effective coaching requires specific skills, which is where we come in.

We specialise in training managers to become excellent coaches, providing them with a simple five-step process they can immediately use with their teams. The results are remarkable, with many poor performers showing dramatic improvement through coaching. However, coaching is not a one-time event. To maintain peak performance, managers must consistently follow up with their teams to prevent slipping back into bad habits.

Not everyone believes in the necessity of a coach or is willing to invest the time and money in training their managers to be effective coaches. If you’re sceptical, take 15 minutes to watch a TED talk by Atul Gawande. Gawande, a surgeon, discovered the power of coaching when his performance plateaued. He realised that continuous improvement was essential, saying, “It’s not how good you are now, it’s how good you’re going to be.”

In the challenging retail environment, constant improvement is crucial. Gawande emphasises, “We don’t recognise issues standing in our way or even how to fix them. When this happens, we stop improving. A coach is your external eyes and ears, providing a more accurate picture of your reality. Coaches recognise fundamentals, break actions down, and help you build back up again.”

The old saying, “we don’t know what we don’t know,” holds true. A coach helps us identify areas for improvement and guides us toward achieving our goals. Managers must become great coaches to help their teams excel, meeting and exceeding customer expectations.

Roger Simpson – CEO, The Retail Solution and Author of “The Ultimate Retail Sales Experience” With over 35 years’ industry experience, Roger Simpson is recognized as Australia’s #1 Authority on customer ROI in the retail industry and as a global expert on staff coaching, customer service, and selling skills.