Gallup research found that only 26% of employees strongly agree that the feedback they receive helps them to do better work. Further research shows that feedback only improves performance approximately 33% of the time while making it worse one third of the time.
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People don’t leave companies, they leave bad managers. This is a well-known statement, yet so many managers still struggle to get the best out of their people. Often it is because no one has shown them how, and they keep making the same mistakes over and over
Read more →Surprisingly in today’s ultra-competitive world of retail, a number of customers are not approached when they are in a store. Ignoring customers is a sure fire way to lose sales. Unfortunately, this still happens way too much in a lot of bricks and mortar stores. However, which
Read more →Research tells us that effective leaders are usually high on EQ, so it’s an area all leaders should be focusing on to improve. One key area is the ability to build strong relationships and lead their team to success. Listening is a key skill of great sales
Read more →A key problem I hear quite frequently when I’m talking with and training store managers is, getting their team members to step up and take responsibility and therefore be accountable for their actions. Team members who do this make it easier for their managers in a number
Read more →Of course the answer is yes, in this highly competitive market any increase in profitability would be well received. So how do you turbo charge you profitability? The answer is recruiting and retaining your best leaders. A recent survey from Gallup found that highly talented leaders achieve
Read more →I have spoken for some time about the lack of great leaders in today’s business world. We also suffer from low levels of employee engagement and there is a distinct lack of trust in today’s society. Here is an absorbing TED talk that is well worth watching
Read more →As the saying goes, “Feedback is the breakfast of champions”, then why is it so many managers struggle to get the best out of their people despite giving them feedback? Recent research from Gallup, helps to explain why. Only 26% of employees strongly agree that the feedback
Read more →This is not the first time I have said this – Great leaders are hard to find! In an age where it’s getting harder to recruit and retain the best team, great leadership is the key to an engaged and motivated team. Yet the biggest reason people
Read more →I was staggered by a recent post from Gallup, stating that voluntary turnover is costing US businesses $1 trillion dollars. That number has too many zeros for me to even contemplate. Sure their annual turnover rate is higher than ours at 26.3% compared to 8.1% (as reported
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