I recently came across a great interview conducted by one of my favourite customer service authors, Micah Solomon, who was lucky enough to interview Sir Richard Branson. Wow, a great customer service guru and the world’s best entrepreneur both of whose opinions I really value. So I
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Excellent and consistent customer service will only happen when the senior members of an organisation are on board and are supportive. If they’re not, then it becomes just lip service. Research from Genysis further supports this – 58% of companies with a high degree of profitability relative
Read more →These customers are a challenging bunch (I should know I’m one of them)! Funny how we just expect the company we deal with to deliver on what they promise and if they don’t at least fix the issue. Yet even with all our advances in technology (and
Read more →Amazon’s launch a few weeks ago of its new Go store in Seattle is pretty revolutionary. Some pundits are calling this new “grab and go” format the reinvention of bricks and mortar. If you’re not aware of what Amazon Go is, check out this link https://www.amazon.com/b?node=16008589011 It’s a
Read more →Amazon’s launch in Australia last November has been very interesting. I, like a lot of people, thought it would be a big deal and they would come out all guns blazing. In fact it was more of a soft launch, however, that is not a sign that
Read more →2018 will be another challenging year for retailers in Australia for many reasons. Amazon and other online players entering the market, pressure on rents, wages and margins are just some of these reasons. Major brands are closing and the iconic department stores, Myer and DJ’s are struggling
Read more →Recent research highlighted that 81% of customers just want the basics of customer service to be in place when they get served. Sounds easy but a lot of retailers can’t get this right. This video identifies what these basic steps are and why they are so important
Read more →I have talked at length about the importance of creating a great experience for your customers, otherwise they will simply go elsewhere, perhaps lost to you forever. Unfortunately, not many retailers are achieving this, from my experience and contacts I talk to, I see and experience a
Read more →All retailers are at the mercy of their frontline staff, how well they are trained and motivated makes a massive impact on the experience the customer feels. Very few customers will give us a second chance if we don’t get it right the first time – there
Read more →One of my biggest frustrations is trying to get a problem fixed when things go wrong. We have all been there, a product we purchased doesn’t work, a garment is defective, and whatever the problem is we just want it resolved quickly and promptly. This is when
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