Here’s How To Get Your Team To Do What You Want

The title may seem a little old fashioned in today’s world, where it’s all about inclusion and collaboration, however I want to help you set your team up for success. One way is to set clear expectations so they know what a good job looks like and they can deliver on your expectations. Unfortunately too many retailers miss this critical step and it’s no wonder team members are not tuned in to what the retailer and individual store is all about.

Most people don’t like getting told what to do, yet we need to be very clear when we train new staff and existing staff, what the requirements of the job are, otherwise how can they do the job properly?

I am passionate about team members delivering great customer service, so it’s critical that your team members know what this means. I have helped many retailers to develop service standards that focus on delivering a positive experience for the customer as well as team members. The key is to break down each step and the secret is to then ask the team member why that step is important to the customer.

By putting the team member in the customer’s shoes, this gets them to think like a customer, and asking them why the step is important gets them to think before they answer. There is much more buy-in this way and more likelihood they will remember and do it.

This is just one example of the many expectations that a team member needs to know, to be able to do their job properly. The secret in setting expectations, as I have mentioned, is getting the team member to understand why this particular process and/or KPI is important to the customer (and at times the store).

However it doesn’t stop there, as it’s easy for a team member, particularly casual team members to forget and arrive at work and just go through the motions. A simple 2 – 3 minute, one on one (or one to many) catch up is the best way to ensure your team are focussed on the priorities for the day. This is as simple as covering off results, budget for the day, key focus areas (KPI’s, particular focus products etc.) and any other news.

Once this conversation has taken place your team members are now informed of their expectations, which, unfortunately, doesn’t mean they are going to do it. This is where ongoing follow up is required by the store manager, with a particular focus on catching their team members doing it right. Or, helping those team members who are not putting in place the expectations where it really matters and that’s on the floor with customers.

Roger Simpson – CEO, The Retail Solution and Author of “The Ultimate Retail Sales Experience” With over 35 years’ industry experience, Roger Simpson is recognized as Australia’s #1 Authority on customer ROI in the retail industry and as a global expert on staff coaching, customer service, and selling skills.