Every retailer strives for an exceptional in-store experience that captivates customers, drives sales, and fosters loyalty. While investments in innovative store layouts are prevalent, from my experience the true measure of success lies in the performance of the store team. The store may look great but if the service is not, then customers will simply walk. Unfortunately, achieving consistently high levels of service often eludes retailers due to a number of reasons.
To ensure peak performance from your team, recruitment and initial training are merely the beginning. Continuous follow-up and reinforcement are essential to maintain standards. Establishing clear expectations is the first step. These standards should encompass customer-centric practices such as acknowledging, greeting customers, active listening, problem-solving, and introducing complementary products to enhance the overall purchase experience.
Despite these core principles being ingrained in service processes for most retailers, their implementation remains inconsistent. The reasons for this inconsistency fall into two distinct categories.
The team member doesn’t know how. Team members may lack the ability to execute these steps due to bad habits, or they simply don’t realise they are not doing the right thing. In such cases, providing prompt feedback and possibly retraining can rectify the situation. Recognising and praising correct behaviours reinforces desired outcomes and leads to much more consistency.
The team member doesn’t want to. Very few team members, thankfully, choose not to comply with expectations. Addressing this challenge requires assertive communication and clarity regarding performance standards. Avoiding these discussions due to confrontation avoidance, only perpetuates poor performance. Consistency in expectations is crucial; all team members must adhere to the same standards.
In conclusion, effective leadership entails setting clear expectations, diligently following up, and addressing deviations promptly and assertively. By fostering a culture of accountability and continuous improvement, retailers can ensure their teams perform at their best, ultimately delivering memorable in-store experiences that online platforms and their competitors cannot replicate.
Roger Simpson – CEO, The Retail Solution and Author of “The Ultimate Retail Sales Experience” With over 35 years’ industry experience, Roger Simpson is recognized as Australia’s #1 Authority on customer ROI in the retail industry and as a global expert on staff coaching, customer service, and selling skills.