Archive for the Customer Service Category

Beware The Robots Are Here To Stay

Beware The Robots Are Here To Stay

As we all know, artificial intelligence (AI) is starting to play a big part in the world of retail. From chat bots dealing with customer inquiries to augmented reality, AI is here and here to stay. Amazon Go is a prime example of AI in action –

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How to Create Positive Experiences To Drive Loyalty

How to Create Positive Experiences To Drive Loyalty

I have spoken many times about retailers needing to create positive in-store experiences to ensure customers not only purchase during that visit but are tempted to return. Retail spending is trending more towards experiences rather than material items. However, whatever you sell, by creating a consistent, genuine

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4 Tips on How to Compete with Amazon’s Technology

Amazon’s launch a few weeks ago of its new Go store in Seattle is pretty revolutionary. Some pundits are calling this new “grab and go” format the reinvention of bricks and mortar. If you’re not aware of what Amazon Go is, check out this link It’s a

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If You Under Staff Your Store You’re In Big Trouble

If You Under Staff Your Store You’re In Big Trouble

I wrote last week about the challenging environment facing all physical retail stores this year, with already a number of well-recognized brands closing stores. This week I want to focus on something else that causes massive frustration in physical stores, but very rarely happens online – for

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Christmas Greetings!

Christmas Greetings!

Roger Simpson – CEO, The Retail Solution and Author of “The Ultimate Retail Sales Experience” With over 35 years’ industry experience, Roger Simpson is recognized as Australia’s #1 Authority on customer ROI in the retail industry and as a global expert on staff coaching, customer service, and

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