Monthly archive for April 2021

This is Why Training Makes A Huge Impact

This is Why Training Makes A Huge Impact

Having spent a large percentage of my working life facilitating training course for retailers, of course I’m going to be very biased when it comes to the importance of training. That’s why it was great to read recently that Target (US) are investing heavily in their team

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How Do Retailers Stand Out?

How Do Retailers Stand Out?

In today’s very competitive retail environment, only those retailers that can differentiate from their many competitors will survive and thrive. With competition at and all time high and many shoppers now spending time online, physical retailers have to dramatically improve in a number of key areas or

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Why Leaders Need To Up The Empathy Level

Why Leaders Need To Up The Empathy Level

In a recent post on LinkedIn, Why leaders need to be more empathetic.  I talked about why leaders need to have more empathy and included an excellent Simon Sinek talk on the subject. Sinek states that “Empathy is concern for the individual, not just their output and

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