When Your Service is Phenomenal, Price is Less of an Issue

phenomenalA figure I have shared before is this – 85% of customers are willing to pay up to 25% more for a superior customer service experience (RightNow research). You have to be competitive on price but excellent service does make a difference along with a great product – Crust Pizza v Dominoes, Grill’d v McDonalds are two examples of product quality over price.

Apple is a great example of excellent customer service where price is less of an issue.

I came across this video featuring US key note speaker James Lloyd, sharing a fantastic customer service experience in a fun way. We have all experienced the scenario he shares – we are in a hurry for something, and the store we arrive at isn’t open yet, however staff are there. How well do they handle this opportunity with the potential customer who is there before they open?

In this video clip he names and shames the store that doesn’t provide great service c and talks passionately about the one that does. As he says the retailer that excelled doesn’t advertise that their customer service is exceptional, they don’t need to, because their customers do.

The point being, it’s not just about opening when you are not ready if it will disrupt things dramatically, but what could you do to make the customers wait less painful. Also think about what you can do in your business for your customer service to stand out over your competition.

Thanks to James for the headline too.

Enjoy the video

Roger SimpsonRoger Simpson – CEO, The Retail Solution and Author of “The Retail Solution” With over 35 years’ industry experience, Roger Simpson is recognized as Australia’s #1 Authority on customer ROI in the retail industry and as a global expert on staff coaching, customer service and selling skills.