It’s Time For Retailers To WOW Their Customers or Lose Them

It really frustrates me that retailers are still not delivering anywhere near wow service. In fact, most experiences I receive are just ordinary. An experience at a café comes to mind (and unfortunately just keeps getting repeated).

The food was okay and the service wasn’t bad, the team members didn’t do anything extra to provide that all important experience. It was just another transactional process that most of us experience day in day out. Would we go back? Having been there a couple of times and experiencing similar service last time, we’ll look to go somewhere else next time.

Can any business afford to have their customers thinking about going elsewhere? – I don’t think so. What can you do in your business to be different? If it’s your product, that’s great until someone else copies or does it better. I believe it’s all about the experience your customers receive when they come face to face with you and your team. Transacting your customers is a sure way to tell them to try somewhere else, you have to create an experience.

From my experience, customers don’t expect a lot, it’s the little things that will make a big difference. Here’s two poor examples and how they could so easily be fixed:

A client of mine takes his daughter to a café for a particular product that his daughter loves. I asked if the team members interact with his daughter while they are there, no was the answer! How hard is to say a few words to kids, parents usually love this and the team show they care.

In our café experience all we got when the waitress cleared the table was “Have you finished?” It was like she wanted to get rid of us. So easy to add in “How were the meals today?” or “Can I tempt you with another coffee/cold drink?”

Simple things that team members can do, so why don’t they? Perhaps they don’t realise they need to or they don’t care. The second reason means it’s time they moved on. The first reason means they need to be made aware of what they could do and importantly why.

If you want to stand out maybe it’s time to get your team together to discuss how you could wow your customers and put these steps in place. If you don’t your competition will!

Roger Simpson – CEO, The Retail Solution and Author of “The Ultimate Retail Sales Experience” With over 35 years’ industry experience, Roger Simpson is recognized as Australia’s #1 Authority on customer ROI in the retail industry and as a global expert on staff coaching, customer service, and selling skills.