Recent research from US Company RightNow, found that 66% of customers cited customer service as the biggest driver for encouraging greater spending. This would have to be the case with Apple. In this short video clip, Carmine Gallo from Forbes reveals the 5 Customer Service steps that
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Richard Branson has been incredibly successful in starting up and growing businesses all around the world. He puts a huge emphasis on employing the right people and training them well. I love his saying he uses “Train people so they can leave, treat them well so they
Read more →We all know the figure that it costs five times as much to acquire a new customer than it does as keeping an existing one. So how do businesses retain their valuable customers? There are a number of important factors, one we strongly believe in is offering
Read more →I’m sure it will come as no surprise that customer service is an important part of your business, if it’s done well we have a high chance that customers will come back and best of all tell their friends. What we also know is if we get
Read more →I love it when a business does something a little different to stand out. Here is an example of a small café trying something and achieving great results and a lot of free publicity. A café on the NSW coast is using a simple but innovative marketing
Read more →Customer experience is about so much more than call-center scripts or proper protocol around customer complaints. The best companies, the ones we know as customer experience leaders, adopt a customer focused view to everything. They instill the values that matter, not just the process. Large organizations however
Read more →According to a recent survey conducted in the US by Business 2 Community, a web marketing and telemarketing company, investing in great customer service does pay off. How do they know? Using SurveyMonkey, they asked more than 400 Americans if a company’s reputation for excellent customer service
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